Klondike@Collision: The Journey Of An Italian Startup In Canada – Part 2

Klondike - Collision Toronto


The Collision Conference in Toronto is one of the most important events in the field of technological innovation in all North America, attracting every year an international audience made up of entrepreneurs, investors, journalists, innovators and technology passionates from all over the world.

For this reason, Collision is a precious opportunity for all those startups that want to expand themselves into international markets. The audience at the event can be important for making yourself better known, for networking and for laying solid foundations for future collaborations.

Motivated by these thoughts, we partecipated at this important event thanks to the synergy between the Puglia Region – Puglia Sviluppo and ITA – Italian Trade Agency.

We wrote a first article about our Canadian adventure and the days of approaching the Collision. In this second part we will talk more specifically about Klondike’s participation at the Toronto event, also with an insight about the main themes of the event.


Collision Conference

After the day of visits organized by ICE Agency – Toronto Office in collaboration with the Canadian Government, the Collision Conference actually begins on Tuesday 27 June.

After an early wake up, we head towards Enercare which will host the event over the next three days.

The first thing we do is looking for the Italian Pavilion, and we immediately understand that we are in a really good central position. A few moments to arrange the gadgets and to put Klondike presentation on the screen of our workstation, which will be played automatically during the event: here we are, our Collision can begin!

Padiglione Italia - Collision

The Klondike stand in the Puglia/ICE Region pavilion

Ours stand is the number E282, and we are together with the delegation of the other startups of the Puglia Region and those of ICE from different parts of Italy. Being surrounded by so many interesting realities is truly inspiring for us.

The possibility of having your own stand at the Collision Conference is really an excellent showcase for presenting your product and ideas.

From the first moments there are many people who stop by our stand to talk and learn more about Klondike: a lot of interesting conversations begin with investors, potential partners, large companies, other startups or simply with the curious.

Staff Klondike @ Collision

We are not just talking about Klondike: the great opportunity that this event offers is in fact that of being able to exchange knowledge and best practices with people from all over the world, as well as being able to establish connections that could prove profitable for ongoing and future conversations.

The third day is our Exhibition Day: in addition to the stand in the Italian Pavilion, we are also in the Web Summit area dedicated to ALPHA startups where we have an exhibition stand among other startups that deal with AI & Machine Learning. Another interesting opportunity to network.

Exhibition Day Web Summit - Collision

The importance of the networking

Indeed, networking at such an event is one of the most interesting aspects. It’s not important to do it only at your own stand, but it’s equally essential to go around the various stands and pavilions of other countries, get to know interesting personalities and industry leaders, let yourself be inspired.

Thanks to Collision’s app it was even easier to connect with new people, plan events to attend and then better explore the conference!

This is also a way to see what the international market offers, as well as to stay updated on the latest technological trends.

Collision Conference
Particularly appreciated (Italian style) are the aperitifs. The Italian Pavilion is also organizing one during the afternoon of the second day: an excellent opportunity to have conversations and meet people over good food and drink. On this occasion we also had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Luca Zelioli, Consul General of Italy in Toronto, with whom we have an interesting conversation on the Canada-Italy synergy, especially in the startup field.  

The themes of the Collision

The Collision is a very particular event compared to the usual ones we are used to participating in. In addition to the stands and pavilions, there are speeches, pitch sessions, master classes, conferences, round tables and much more. These sessions within the conference focus on the evolving trends and themes that have attracted the most attention over the past year. Artificial Intelligence clearly took center stage. There were inspiring talks about the pros and cons of this technology, how it can revolutionize a wide range of industries that can benefit from it and what impact it can have on our lives. In particular, Generative AI has generated discussions about its potential impact. We have summarized for you 5 opinions of industry experts on the subject.  

The numbers of Collision Conference

The numbers of the Collision this year were impressive: 36,378 participants from 118 countries. The startups that took part in the conference were 1,497 from 76 countries and operating in more than 30 different sectors. Other numbers: more than 800 VCs, business angels and international funds, while female participation was 41% of all participants.
Numeri Collision

Last day: Niagara Falls

Experience in Canada ended? Absolutely not. We have a flight at 9 pm and we decide to take advantage of our last hours available to visit one of the most extraordinary wonders of the planet. Direction, Niagara Falls!

Niagara Falls are located along the border between Canada and USA. Niagara River and the Falls are divided into two parts, Horseshoe Falls in Canadian territory and American Falls in American territory. Compared to our position, on the other side we can in fact see Buffalo.

Despite some organizational hitches that force us to visit the falls all the time with suitcases, we do not lose heart and start from Skylon Tower from where it is possible to admire the wonderful panorama from a height of 236 meters above the falls.

Coming down from the tower, it is possible to walk to the point where the water falls. From here you can appreciate the majesty of the waterfalls and the power of nature.

There are several points of admiration that allow visitors to better appreciate this extraordinary place, such as the panoramic terrace which can be accessed from the Niagara Parks Power Station and after walking in a 670-meter long tunnel.

Cascate del Niagara
Our participation at Collision Conference certainly turned out to be spot on. We had an excellent opportunity for our startup to gain visibility, to reach an international audience and build relationships that can be profitable even after our Canadian adventure, but also to learn from the words and experiences of the great industry experts. An experience that we highly recommend to all those who want to give a boost to their startup with an international event! We have summarized the opinions of five industry experts on Generative AI for you, download the insight!

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Klondike - stand Collision

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