Lead Enrichment: how to get the most out of leads thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Lead Enrichment and Artificial Intelligence

If you’re a sales, your days revolve around sorting leads and deciding which ones to contact.

Sometimes, however, after a detailed and careful work of enrichment of data, a lead arrives in the CRM and seems perfect. But the email sent to it bounces and is not delivered. The email address you found online wasn’t accurate. You can’t contact the company and you don’t know how to get in touch with that person: the result is a wasted opportunity.

This is a scenario that may be familiar to sellers but which can fortunately be avoided.

Another problem can be represented by the speed with which you respond to a new lead. To maximize the possibilities of contacting and converting it, sales must respond within 5 minutes.

To facilitate speed in response time, there must be a fast data enrichment process so that the lead can be addressed to the right seller with little delay.

Artificial Intelligence is the right solution to enrich leads quickly, efficiently and on a large scale.


What is Lead Enrichment?

Lead Enrichment is the process of collecting and organizing data and information of a lead arrived within the CRM, in order to improve it and to have a more in-depth view of the potential customer. Lead Enrichment refers to any information that is added to make the data in the system as up-to-date, high-quality and complete as possible.

This process allows you to verify, integrate and improve raw data and information present in company databases. Errors can be eliminated and data can be used strategically. In addition, you can integrate data you already have with others from external databases.

Lead enrichment refers to information such as:

  • personal information such as work position, telephone number or email address, social media profiles;
  • company information such as size, sector or location, annual revenues;
  • digital behavior of a lead as the frequency with which he visits the website or interacts with your company.


Thanks to the accuracy of the data, the sales team can route the lead to the appropriate sellers. In addition, the sellers themselves have a better overview of which customers are the most qualified and how to best interact with them to conclude the sale.

This allows to saves time and increases productivity, but at the same time it creates custom connections with each customer. It is a winning strategic choice that let companies gain a deeper knowledge of their target, customize the offer and provide a better purchase experience.

The ratio of lead to conversions improves clearly thanks to Lead Enrichment, with an important increase in closing rates thanks to the accuracy of data.


Automating the Lead Enrichment process

It is clear that Lead Enrichment can greatly improve efficiency of sales processes. There are essentially two ways this process can take place.

Data Enrichment can be done manually by someone on the team who performs all the searches and inserts data into the system or in the CRM. A process that can sometimes be long and not entirely efficient.

But time requires this process is taken away from sale. How much time per day and week would be saved if that process were automated?

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and Lead Enrichment algorithms, when a lead arrives the databases are automatically populated with as much data and information as possible.


Why is it important to automate Lead Enrichment processes?

How does the enrichment of leads improve the sales process?

  • ensure that sales teams receive all the information they need to start working on a lead, allowing them to make the most of their time;
  • let teams perform more effective targeting and prioritize leads based on the probability of closing;
  • guarantee that the leads are directed to the correct sales team or representative with the best experience and knowledge to manage that specific potential customer;
  • eliminate delays in response time to your lead, maximizing sales opportunities and quickly engaging the most important leads;
  • allow to reduce costs because searches are carried out only when relevant and necessary data are missing;
  • provide information such as needs and weaknesses of each potential customer, increasing engagement through personalized and timely messages. When you offer value to potential customers, the purchase process becomes more effective.




With our AI algorithm package, you can introduce automated Lead Enrichment processes into your company without needing advanced IT skills. To find out all the benefits, download the detailed pdf and request a DEMO.


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